Went out to 17th yesterday cuz i wanted to go last week when it was sunny but no time :( so we went when it was rainy yesterday! :P haha first time driving all the way down there cuz i only drive to work haha or close by my house :P neways! Went for lunch at a placed called Tubby Dog! haha its like humungous hotdogs! with like chilly and cheese and bacon and all sorts of things taht will give u a heart attack! haha and ONION rings! haha those big hunking things that look like donuts r ACTUALLY onion rings! haha totally felt like i was gonna die after but totally worth it cuz it was soo yummi :D!
then we were gonna get cupcakes after but THEY WERE SOLD OUT! >
We walked about and went into this store that sells all sorts of kool silly things! Haha these r like spoons and spatulas! haha and the tongue is a hook! haha soo kool! haha i made my f take a pic of him licking it!
Also found these cute little dolls? i have no clue what theyre for but theyre cute useless dolls u put around to collect dust?!? BUT SOO CUTE! :D!
Found some gum to freshin up my breath! :D
and some mini furniture? i guess u can buy the real life size versions and have a mini baby to keep it company??
haha and a HK tiara!! haha cept it doesnt fit? its like super duper small! haha
and guess what these r??!!!
Ice cream pens and Cupcake LIPGLOSS! :D! haha
Found a SUPER DUPER OLD skool polarid cam!! dont think they make these nemore! but way koool! :D
thats it for shopping! NOW onto Green Tea Cheesecake! :D We went to the grocery store 4 times to get all the ingredients! haha cuz we kept on forgetting!! haha I told my f to write it down and hes like yah its writting in his head! useless head >
All the ingredients! :D
Graham crackers for the crust
mix mix mix! haha i was mixxing at first.. and then i got tired! haha so i handed it to my assistant! :P hahah jk!! i totally sux at cooking! he basically made the whole thing and i stood there watching while i eat my haazgen daz :P!
Add green tea powder! haha i prob woulda added the whold jar in! haha but he wouldnt let me cuz last time when we made baileys cheesecake.. i was like ADD MORE ADD MORE.. and then the cake didnt really turn out heheh :P so he didnt listen to me no more this time! haha
ALL DONE! dont have the finish pic hahha cuz it totally cracked >
haha then we made KD! haha cuz ive NEVER had KD be4!! and DID U KNOW THAT they have POT in a bag?! haha ONLY 99 cents! haha but then i think all that work to make KD and pot is too much work for instant food! Id rather just ding intant noodles! haha eat it in like 1min :D! but pretty interesting neways~ :P
K!! now onto makeup! haha i hate working early when i only slept for like 5hrs!! but got up this morning >
what i used 2day:
- benefit creaseless eyeshadow in "skinny jeans" and "birthday suit" (no pic)
- Lancome gold in this palette
- Elizabeth Arden brown
- Lancome Eyeliner
- Dior blush
- Fresh twilight
- Covergirl Lash Blast Luxe
WOAH this was a long post! haha now i acutally gotta do work at work :P! laterz~