What i used:
First i used 1 from dior all over the lid. Then i lined my eyes with MUFE. Then using an angled brush i lined the top lash line and 3/4 of the bottom lashes with the E.L.F. dark gray (sorry i dont know the name... it doesnt have one??). Then i used 2 from the dior palette on the outer "v" of the eye and the bottom 3/4 of the lash line. I used the E.L.F. shadow brush to blend everything together.
Lined with liquid liner, and scara!
concealed with Guerlain and used Laura Mercier garden mosaic bloc for cheeks and highlight!
Kinda looks like the other purple smokey eye i did be4 but this is a little bit more dramatic and defined :P
Now onto hands!! I work in a profession where i always have to wash my hands.... and plus due to pandemic outbreak of swine flu i think everyones been washing their hands more. The more we wash our hands the more natural oils we wash away thus drying our hands up and they look all gross and old! I have found a super cheap diy method to make my hands smooth and moist :D!
- pair of gloves any old gloves will work
- vaseline
- any hand cream
SO basically all u do is swab a big swab of vaseline and mix it with hand cream. Then before you sleep put gloves on. The next morning u will have silky smooth hands!!
OH YAH! OMG!! I finally found a pencil sharpener that works with my MUFE liner! The 1$ E.L.F. one is awesome!
thats it for now! :D I took 8hrs of CPR 2day and it was worse than work! >< i like fell asleep! hahaha