Monday, May 25, 2009

Hairy Legs!

Summers here!! well sorta! the other day i wore tights and it was just WAY too hot for them!! so unfortunately i have to shave now >< which totally suxs haha! I know its kinda gross but i dont shave in the winter haha it keeps me warm :P! no im jk im just lazy and theres no pt? cuz i dont wear nething but tights or jeans?!?!? that cover them! but now ill have to!? since i gotta take out the short shorts!! bummer!! Who ever said that girls need to shave!??!


  1. Hey I don't shave in the winter neither, & my boyfriend doesn't care eheh! You're right, what's the point?

  2. lol...that leg is nasty.
    yes who says girls need to shave?? hahaha not a lot of korean women shave...they just wear panty hose and pretend they did even in the summer...BUT...if they've never shaved in their life, you can see the long hairs through the panty hose!!! HAHA

  3. haha arnt panty hose too hot for summer thou!?? i just wish i only had hair on my head and eyes and brows and thats it...? i think!

  4. don't tell me that's your leg....

  5. Yes those r my sexy legs after not shaving for the whole winter!!! :P!

    (im jking by the way)
